Monday, February 22, 2016

The 2016 Kilbaha NAPLAN Trial Tests are now available.

Attention:  NAPLAN Co-ordinator 

The 2016 Kilbaha NAPLAN Trial Tests are now available. 
  • Year 3
  • Year 5
  • Year 7
  • Year 9
  • Language Conventions
  • Reading (with original reading magazines)
  • Writing
  • Numeracy Calculator
  • Numeracy Non-Calculator
  • Detailed answers and responses for all tests.
  • PDF and WORD formats
  • Identical format to the May ACARA NAPLAN Tests

Immediate delivery.

Friday, February 19, 2016

New science textbooks

Attention: Science Teachers

New electronic Textbooks 

A revolution in publishing!

These electronic textbooks are only $25 for a school site licence

Download sample pages at the links below.


Thursday, February 11, 2016


Attention: NAPLAN Co-ordinator



The detailed answers to the May 2015 ACARA NAPLAN Tests are now available.

Year 3, Year 5, Year 7, Year 9
Language Conventions, Reading, Writing, Numeracy


(1) Purchase online here.


(2) Download the 2016 NAPLAN catalogue here to fax your order.


(3) NAPLAN specials available online at



Best wishes,

Bill Healy BSc BA Dip Ed

Kilbaha Multimedia Publishing (Est. 1978)
PO Box 2227
Kew Vic 3101

t: 03 9018 5376    

f: 03 9817 4334    

m: 0413 425 374  


ABN: 47 065 111 373

Providing Quality Resources to Schools and Parents since 1978


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Unsubscribe email by replying with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line.

Friday, February 5, 2016

2016 NAPLAN Important Information

NAPLAN 2016 Writing test information

The Australian Curriculum and Reporting Authority (ACARA) and all NAPLAN test administration authorities have agreed that, as in 2015, there will be two writing prompts: one prompt for Years 3 and 5; and a different prompt for Years 7 and 9. This decision has been taken to ensure continued maximum engagement and fairness for students nationally.
The genre for the NAPLAN 2016 Writing test will be either narrative or persuasive, and it will be the same genre for all year levels. Also, as in 2015, the genre for the Writing test will not be disclosed prior to the test day and students will not be able to choose the genre in which they write their response.

Reminder for the 2016 Year 7 and Year 9 calculator-allowed numeracy tests

With regard to the type of calculators that are permitted for the Year 7 and Year 9 calculator-allowed numeracy tests, schools are reminded that calculators do not include multifunction or internet accessible devices.
ACARA has confirmed that tablets and similar devices fall into this category, and that their use is not permitted in the NAPLAN numeracy tests.
Schools are asked to consider this information and to ensure that all Year 7 and Year 9 students have access to, and are familiar with, a suitable calculator for the NAPLAN tests in May 2016.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

NAPLAN dates for 2016

Monday, November 30, 2015

Automated essay scoring: a viable solution for NAPLAN online writing tasks

Today, ACARA has released results of research which provides additional evidence that automated essay scoring is a viable solution for marking NAPLAN online writing tasks.

"The research, which began in 2012, has found four separate and independent automated essay scoring systems were able to mark NAPLAN persuasive writing tasks as reliably as human markers. 
ACARA CEO, Robert Randall, welcomed the findings, which form a part of a comprehensive research and development program designed to prepare for the transition to NAPLAN online.
“Automated essay scoring of the writing component of NAPLAN will result in parents and teachers receiving their children and students’ results within two weeks of taking NAPLAN,” Mr Randall said.
“The precision and earlier provision of the results will help teachers tailor their teaching to student needs.
“Teachers and other markers will continue to be involved in the process – by training the automated essay scoring system (via 1,000 human scored essays), marking a sample of essays to check and validate what the system is doing; and by marking essays that the system might have difficulty marking (because the essays are different from what the system has been trained to mark).
“The research results show that automated essay scoring works for NAPLAN-type writing, but we will continue with our research to refine the system and to gather more evidence, which we will use to assure parents and teachers of the viability of automated essay scoring and to make a final decision about proceeding. If need be, we could double mark samples of student essays, until everyone is comfortable with automated essay scoring.”
Four separate and experienced vendors were engaged to score a sample of NAPLAN persuasive essays in 2012, using the current NAPLAN writing rubric. The vendors represented a cross-section of different approaches and methods for automated assessment of writing. The vendors were provided with 1,014 essays, along with scores provided by human markers, to train and validate their automated essay scoring systems. After training and validating the systems, the vendors used them to mark 339 tests. On overall scores and each writing criteria assessed, the four automated essay scoring systems achieved levels of agreement comparable with the human markers.
“What is exciting about this research is that, although the four vendors had different automated essay scoring systems, they were all able to mark the essays as well as the human markers,” Mr Randall said. 
“This is not the end of the research into automated essay scoring,” Mr Randall explained. “We intend to expand on this research in 2016 to include a larger sample of students and multiple prompts within and across writing genres (persuasive and narrative) before making a final decision about the approach to be used in 2017.”
View our infographic that illustrates the automated essay scoring research (PDF 1.3 kb).

About NAPLAN online

Federal, state and territory education ministers have agreed that NAPLAN will move online from 2017, over a two–three year period. NAPLAN online will provide better assessment, more precise results and faster turnaround of information. Significant planning, development, research and trialling are going on behind the scenes to make sure we are all ready to move NAPLAN online."

NAPLAN online update

"This month, we have released two pieces of research to support the move to NAPLAN online.

The first was preliminary findings from a device mode effect study (final report to be released in January 2016), which involved more than 3,500 students from Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 across 72 schools around the country. This study found that NAPLAN online is capable of being taken on a range of devices (laptops and tablets), with no consistent device effect across content domains, item types and year levels.
The study also found that an external keyboard is not required for those students undertaking NAPLAN online on a tablet device.
The second piece of research (released today) provides additional evidence that automated essay scoring is a viable solution for marking NAPLAN writing tasks. Four separate and experienced vendors with different automated essay scoring systems were trained to mark NAPLAN writing tasks and were all able to mark the essays as well as the human markers.
Visit the ACARA website to read more on the research."

Friday, November 20, 2015

Future test dates

NAPLAN test dates up to the year 2020 are published on the NAP website. Schools should incorporate the following dates in their forward planning for 2016 and beyond.

  • 10–12 May 2016
  • 9–11 May 2017
  • 15–17 May 2018
  • 14–16 May 2019
  • 12–14 May 2020.

Friday, October 30, 2015

NAPLAN online update

ACARA has released the following information about NAPLAN Online

Students will be able to use a wide range of devices, such as laptops, notebooks, computers and portable tablet devices, on Windows, Mac and Chrome platforms, when NAPLAN goes online from 2017. Today, (30/10/15), ACARA has today released minimum technical specifications for devices to be used for NAPLAN online. For more information, visit the 'Technical requirements' page of the NAP website and see the NAPLAN online technical requirements supporting document (PDF 98 kb). The specifications also include information on a minimum screen size required, network capability, supported operating systems, minimum disk space, security and external equipment, such as a pair of headphones, keyboard and mouse. ACARA General Manager, Assessment and Reporting, Dr Stanley Rabinowitz, says there is still more research around devices that is currently underway.

“We have released this information as we know some schools may be planning ahead for NAPLAN online in 2017,” Dr Rabinowitz says. “But there is still more research we have been doing around devices. For example, we continue to investigate the use of on-screen keyboards versus external keyboards for tablet devices. This research may support students who use on-screen keyboards if that is what they prefer”.

While NAPLAN online assumes reliable access to the internet, some provisions will be made, where necessary, for students to complete NAPLAN on computers without internet or adequate connectivity. This includes the use of special server software and portable servers in schools.

“One of the concerns we hear is that a school’s internet connection may not be able to support all students doing NAPLAN at the same time,” Dr Rabinowitz says. “We are not expecting all students to do NAPLAN at the same time, or for schools to have one device for every student. When NAPLAN moves online, we propose to extend the testing window from three days to two weeks so students will not be taking NAPLAN at the same time. The concerns around increased opportunities for cheating are also unfounded, as NAPLAN online will use tailored testing so students are not taking the same test at the same time”.

NAPLAN online will require a locked-down browser or app to prevent students from having unauthorised access to websites, applications and spell-checking features during the tests.
“We understand the issues around security, privacy and, of course, equity; and we continue to address these through research we have been doing on the use of devices in the NAPLAN context,” Dr Rabinowitz says. “We will continue to work with schools, education departments and sector representatives to develop an appropriate policy around the use of personal devices”.

About NAPLAN online

Federal, state and territory education ministers have agreed that NAPLAN will move online from 2017, over a two–three year period.
State/territory education authorities (where they exist in a state and territory) will make decisions about the logistics and timing to move NAPLAN online for their state/territory. These groups will also lead implementation in their state/territory.
Advice on implementation and implementation timelines should be sought via the following channels:
  • independent schools: relevant school authority (where they exist in a state or territory) and/or from ACARA (
  • Catholic schools: local Catholic education commission
  • government schools: relevant school authority (where they exist in a state or territory), or department of education in a state or territory.
NAPLAN online will provide better assessment, more precise results and faster turnaround of information. Significant planning, development, research and trialling are going on behind the scenes to make sure we are all ready to move NAPLAN online.

Friday, October 23, 2015


Attention: NAPLAN Co-ordinator, Head of English, Head of Maths

Available for immediate delivery:

Available 1 February 2016:
  • 2016 Kilbaha NAPLAN Trial Tests - Hard Copy Use
  • 2016 Kilbaha NAPLAN Trial Tests - Interactive Online Use with automatic marking
  • Years 3, 5, 7, 9
  • Language, Reading, Writing, Numeracy
  • Details and order forms attached
  • More info at

Best wishes,

Bill Healy BSc BA Dip Ed
Kilbaha Multimedia Publishing (Est. 1978)
PO Box 2227
Kew Vic 3101
t: 03 9018 5376    
f: 03 9817 4334    
ABN: 47 065 111 373
Providing Quality Resources to Schools and Parents since 1978
The Kilbaha Catalogues can be downloaded at the links below.

We apologise if this email is not of interest to you. 
Unsubscribe email by replying with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Detailed answers and responses to the May 2015 ACARA NAPLAN Tests

Attention: NAPLAN Co-ordinator, Head of English, Head of Maths, Parents

Available for immediate delivery:

Available 1 February 2016:
  • 2016 Kilbaha NAPLAN Trial Tests - Hard Copy Use
  • 2016 Kilbaha NAPLAN Trial Tests - Online Use
  • Years 3, 5, 7, 9
  • Language, Reading, Writing, Numeracy
  • More info at

Best wishes,

Bill Healy BSc BA Dip Ed
Kilbaha Multimedia Publishing (Est. 1978)
PO Box 2227
Kew Vic 3101
t: 03 9018 5376    
f: 03 9817 4334    
ABN: 47 065 111 373
Providing Quality Resources to Schools and Parents since 1978

Technical requirements for NAPLAN online in 2017

Monday, October 5, 2015

NAPLAN goes online in 2017

Read all the latest information about NAPLAN Online at the link below.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

2015 NAPLAN Reports

From the Victorian Curriculum Assessment Authority (VCAA)


Early delivery of 2015 NAPLAN Data Service and Student Reports

The VCAA is pleased to confirm that the 2015 NAPLAN Individual Student Reports were delivered to all schools in the week commencing Monday 17 August 2015. The NAPLAN Data Service was also officially made available to all schools and regional offices in the same week. This release represents an additional two-week reduction in the reporting timeline compared to last year and reflects the VCAA’s commitment to improved turnaround of NAPLAN reporting.

Student Reports

Deliveries of NAPLAN 2015 Reporting Packages began on Monday 17 August and included:
  • a covering letter
  • a confidential report for each student who participated in the NAPLAN 2015 tests for schools to distribute to parents/carers
  • Student Report information brochures for parents/carers
  • an instruction sheet with information on accessing NAPLAN writing test images.
As in previous years, student reports include information such as:
  • individual student results for all NAPLAN tests on the 10-band National Achievement Scale
  • an indicator for each assessment area showing the national average and the middle 60 per cent of national results
  • a written description for each assessment area identifying the types of skills assessed
  • a summary table describing the skills and understandings students are likely to demonstrate in each of the bands.
Parental interest in NAPLAN results remains high. Schools that have not yet forwarded student reports to parents/carers are asked to ensure that they have arrangements in place to do so shortly.

Access to students’ NAPLAN writing test images

In addition to the NAPLAN Data Service reports, this year Victorian schools have been provided with access to scanned images of their students’ NAPLAN writing test responses. The VCAA believes this will assist schools with interpretation of NAPLAN writing results and inform classroom teaching and learning programs. The writing test images are accessible via the NAPLAN Test Administration website, and will be available until Friday 18 September 2015 (end of Term 3).
Details about access to the website and instructions about how to download images have been sent to school principals with the NAPLAN reporting packages.
Please note that schools only have access to images of the writing tests of their own students, and that the images are made available strictly for internal school use.

NAPLAN Data Service

Access to the full suite of NAPLAN Data Service reports was made available to schools on Monday 17 August 2015. These reports include all school and state data, and some national data. As in previous years, national data relating to subgroups will be incorporated into the Data Service after the release by ACARA of the final NAPLAN Report later in the year.
Schools must use their own unique login and security password to access their results. Login details and 2015 passwords were issued to schools in August. If a password is lost, the principal should send an email to with the words ‘Password Request’ included in the subject line.
The 2015 Reporting Guide is available online, either via a link on the Report Parameters page of the Data Service (see the following screenshot), or from the NAPLAN webpage (under Publications):
screen capture from the NAPLAN Data service showing where to access the 2015 Reporting Guide

The NAPLAN Data Service for 2015 provides direct access to a series of online Data Tutorials which provide advice on how to effectively use NAPLAN data. The tutorials have been developed in collaboration with the University of Melbourne and are designed to assist teachers in interpreting and using their own data in the development of teaching and learning programs.
Access to these tutorials is available from the menu at the top of every report in the Data Service (see the following screenshot), or via the link that appears in the footer of each report.
screen capture from the NAPLAN Data service showing where to access tutorials

NAPLAN 2015 Data Service professional development workshops

As in previous years, a series of NAPLAN Data Service professional development workshops for principals, NAPLAN coordinators and teachers will be conducted throughout Term 4. These workshops are conducted free-of-charge at various locations around metropolitan and regional Victoria. Details of times and locations for these workshops, and information on how to register for them will be provided as soon as they have been finalised.

On Demand

2015 introductory On Demand Testing workshops

The VCAA will conduct introductory On Demand Testing workshops at the end of Term 3 and the beginning of Term 4. These workshops are for new or potential users. The three-hour workshops will include an overview of the On Demand Testing System and Computer Adaptive Tests, followed by hands-on sessions focusing on test setup processes and administration. Registration for the Term 3 sessions has now closed, however it’s still possible to book for one of the Term 4 sessions. The closing date is Friday 18 September 2015.
Term 4 session dates Session times
Wednesday 7 October 2015 9.30 am to 12.30 pm
Wednesday 7 October 2015 2.00 pm to 5.00 pm
Thursday 8 October 2015 9.30 am to 12.30 pm
Thursday 8 October 2015 2.00 pm to 5.00 pm
Friday 9 October 2015 9.30 am to 12.30 pm
Friday 9 October 2015 2.00 pm to 5.00 pm
The sessions will be held at the VCAA Assessment Centre, 189 Urquhart Street, Coburg (free parking is available on site). Registration should be completed online. All training materials and light refreshments will be provided on the day. Note that all sessions are free, and subject to demand. There will be no provision for reimbursement of travel and accommodation expenses or for the funding of staff replacement.
Any queries should be directed to Liz Stojanova on (03) 9225 2326 or via email:

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Research to support NAPLAN online commences

21 August 2015 (from ACARA)
Federal, state and territory education ministers have agreed that NAPLAN will move online from 2017, over a two–three year period. ACARA is responsible for developing the NAPLAN online test and is undertaking comprehensive research and trialling to make sure we are all ready to move NAPLAN online.
From 24 August 2015, a sample of students across the nation will take part in two research studies in an online environment. In the first study, students will trial a set of new reading, numeracy, spelling, grammar and punctuation questions, including a number of innovative questions, only made possible using an online environment. In the second study, researchers will focus on how students are using different devices (PCs, laptops, tablets, tablets with keyboards) to engage with online test questions. Results from this study will help ACARA to ensure that when NAPLAN goes online it meets the needs of all students, regardless of device. Responding to a writing task using a device will be part of both studies.
Students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 from a sample of 195 government, Catholic and independent schools across metropolitan, rural and remote locations from around the country will be involved in these research studies. Over the past six months, ACARA has been engaged in a range of preparatory activities to ensure that these research studies run smoothly. ACARA has worked with states and territories to enable school participation, and we have partnered with Education Services Australia to allow the online tests to be taken on the new online testing platform. ACARA appreciates the participation of these schools. Their involvement and the results from their trialling will provide valuable guidance to us as we work to move NAPLAN online and ensure it will provide a better assessment, more precise results and faster turnaround of information.
For further information or if you have any questions about NAPLAN online, email or follow us on Facebook and Twitter (ACARAeduau). Alert us to your questions using the handle @ACARAeduau and tag #naplanonline

Sunday, August 9, 2015


NAPLAN 2016 will be conducted for Year 3, Year 5, Year 7 and Year 9 students on Tuesday 10 May, Wednesday 11 May and Thursday 12 May 2016. The sequence and time allocation for the tests is expected to be the same as in 2015:
  • 10 May Language Conventions and Writing
  • 11 May Reading
  • 12 May Numeracy (with Years 7 and 9 completing a non-calculator and a calculator-allowed test).
Information about the schedule of testing and times allocated can be found on the ACARA website

Friday, August 7, 2015

2015 Maths

Attention: Mathematics Teachers (please forward)
  • New for Term 3, 2015.
  • Primary and Junior Secondary.
  • Details and order form attached.
Best wishes,

Bill Healy BSc BA Dip Ed
Kilbaha Multimedia Publishing (Est. 1978)
PO Box 2227
Kew Vic 3101
t: 03 9018 5376    
f: 03 9817 4334    
ABN: 47 065 111 373
Providing Quality Resources to Schools and Parents since 1978
The 2015 Kilbaha Catalogues can be downloaded at the links below.

We apologise if this email is not of interest to you. 
Unsubscribe email by replying with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

NAPLAN 2015 Results from ACARA

5 August 2015

Today ACARA has released the NAPLAN 2015 summary information.

These results are being released two weeks earlier than last year, and six weeks
earlier than previous years, building on the Australian Government’s commitment
for a faster turnaround of NAPLAN results.

Read ACARA’s media release (PDF 57 kb)

Overall, the results from the NAPLAN tests in May show stable national achievement,
as well as some improvements nationally and in each state and territory
(for some year levels and some domains).

ACARA CEO, Robert Randall, says that while stability is good, the community
may well expect more improvement over time.

“Improvement in NAPLAN results comes about when student learning improves,”
Mr Randall says.

“Literacy and numeracy are the foundations of learning at and beyond school.
If student knowledge, skills and understanding are not improving in these areas,
it is a cause for reflection.”

On a national level:
Reading at Year 3 saw a statistically significant increase from 2008 –
a continuation of the long-term trend. Year 5, 7 and 9 results have
remained stable from 2008 and 2014.

Numeracy at Year 5 saw a statistically significant increase from 2008.
All year levels have remained stable from 2014.

Spelling at Year 5 saw a statistically significant increase from 2008.
All year levels have remained stable from 2014.

Grammar/punctuation at Year 3 saw a statistically significant increase from 2008.
All year levels have remained stable from 2014.

Writing at Year 3 saw a statistically significant increase from 2014.
Year 7 and Year 9 had a statistically significant decrease from 2011.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

2015 Kilbaha VCE and HSC Trial Exams

All orders for the 2015 Kilbaha VCE and HSC Trial Examinations received up to and including Wednesday July 29 have been sent to schools.

Place your order using the order forms from the links below.               

Tel: 03 9018 5376 for assistance.
Kilbaha has been providing Quality Resources to Schools since 1978

Friday, July 17, 2015

Important dates for 2016

NAPLAN 2016 will be conducted for Year 3, Year 5, Year 7 and Year 9 students on Tuesday 10 May, Wednesday 11 May and Thursday 12 May.

The sequence and time allocation for the tests is expected to be the same as in 2015:
  • 10 May – Language Conventions and Writing
  • 11 May – Reading
  • 12 May – Numeracy (with Years 7 and 9 completing a non-calculator and calculator allowed tests).
Information regarding the schedule of testing and times allocated can be found on 
the National Assessment Programs (NAP) website.