Sunday, August 23, 2015

Research to support NAPLAN online commences

21 August 2015 (from ACARA)
Federal, state and territory education ministers have agreed that NAPLAN will move online from 2017, over a two–three year period. ACARA is responsible for developing the NAPLAN online test and is undertaking comprehensive research and trialling to make sure we are all ready to move NAPLAN online.
From 24 August 2015, a sample of students across the nation will take part in two research studies in an online environment. In the first study, students will trial a set of new reading, numeracy, spelling, grammar and punctuation questions, including a number of innovative questions, only made possible using an online environment. In the second study, researchers will focus on how students are using different devices (PCs, laptops, tablets, tablets with keyboards) to engage with online test questions. Results from this study will help ACARA to ensure that when NAPLAN goes online it meets the needs of all students, regardless of device. Responding to a writing task using a device will be part of both studies.
Students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 from a sample of 195 government, Catholic and independent schools across metropolitan, rural and remote locations from around the country will be involved in these research studies. Over the past six months, ACARA has been engaged in a range of preparatory activities to ensure that these research studies run smoothly. ACARA has worked with states and territories to enable school participation, and we have partnered with Education Services Australia to allow the online tests to be taken on the new online testing platform. ACARA appreciates the participation of these schools. Their involvement and the results from their trialling will provide valuable guidance to us as we work to move NAPLAN online and ensure it will provide a better assessment, more precise results and faster turnaround of information.
For further information or if you have any questions about NAPLAN online, email or follow us on Facebook and Twitter (ACARAeduau). Alert us to your questions using the handle @ACARAeduau and tag #naplanonline