Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Year 3 Numeracy - The Australian National Curriculum and NAPLAN

Today we begin a comparison of the achievement standards outlined in the draft Australian National Curriculum (ANC) and the NAPLAN Tests.

Year 3 Mathematics - Achievement Standards - ANC (draft) - alphabetical

Choose efficient calculator strategies to solve problems in everyday situations.
Choose efficient mental strategies to solve problems in everyday situations.
Choose efficient written strategies  to solve problems in everyday situations.
Collect, represent and interpret data in tables, graphs and diagrams
Compare and order capacity
Compare and order length
Compare and order mass
Conduct simple chance events
Estimate and order length, mass and capacity using personal benchmarks.
Read clocks to five minutes
Represent positions and direction using simple maps
Solve everyday problems including describing quarter and half turns.
Understand place value to 1000
Understand the relationship between the number of parts and the size of fractions
Use money
Use number patterns including those found in the multiples of 2, 5 and 10
Use symmetry in designs