NAPLAN 2018 summary released
Today ACARA has released the NAPLAN 2018 summary information, providing preliminary results at the national, and state and territory level for each school year (3, 5, 7 and 9) and for all domains tested in NAPLAN.
The data provide comparisons of 2018 results with 2017 and with base years (2008 for numeracy, reading and conventions of language, and 2011 for writing).
All Australian education systems are moving to NAPLAN Online by 2020. Online testing provides more accurate and precise information about what students know and can do. This year, the first year of transition, around 20 per cent of students undertook NAPLAN online. In 2019, a larger percentage of students will undertake NAPLAN online, with the remainder sitting the paper assessments.
The NAPLAN summary results issued today include combined data for online and paper student cohorts.
- See the NAPLAN summary data.
- Read the ‘NAPLAN 2018 summary information’ media release (PDF 69 kb).
- Read a statement from the Measurement Advisory Group experts regarding this year’s NAPLAN results (PDF 55 kb).