Thursday, April 14, 2016

Information about NAPLAN

VCAA provides the following information about NAPLAN 2016



The VCAA would like to thank all schools that expressed interest in the NAPLAN Online Pilot in 2017. The VCAA will provide further information on the pilot and associated activities (including the trial to be conducted in mid-August) to participating schools in Term 2.

NAPLAN Helpdesk

The VCAA operates a Helpdesk service to assist principals and NAPLAN coordinators with queries related to all aspects of NAPLAN 2016: 1800 648 637 or Schools are encouraged to contact the Helpdesk if they require assistance with any aspect of NAPLAN.

Student participation in NAPLAN

With regard to student participation in the NAPLAN, the National Protocols for Test Administration state that:
  • NAPLAN is a national assessment and all students are expected to participate
  • NAPLAN should be accessible to all students to demonstrate their actual skills and knowledge.
With this in mind, it is very important that all eligible Year 3, 5, 7 and 9 students are given the opportunity to participate in the tests and that the program is actively promoted in school communities.
Detailed information regarding allowable disability adjustments and student eligibility is provided in Part A of the NAPLAN 2016 Handbook for Principals. Principals should ensure that parents of students who require disability adjustments are informed about, and have agreed to, the nature of the adjustments provided.
Principals are also reminded that final decisions regarding student exemption or withdrawal from the NAPLAN rest with parents and carers. Under no circumstances should a student be exempted or withdrawn from the NAPLAN without parental consent and signed approval.
Fully signed Records of Exemption and Student Withdrawal forms, and records of parental consent for disability adjustments, must be kept at the school for at least 12 months and made available to the VCAA upon request.

Catch-up tests for students who are absent on test days

Principals are encouraged to facilitate catch-up tests for individual students who are absent on the day of one or more tests, but who return to school on or before the Friday of test week. Arrangements should be made for these students to sit catch-up tests after the scheduled test times on the Tuesday afternoon, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday of test week.
Students who are absent on all test days should not, however, be expected to complete all of the tests on Friday 13 May 2016 and should be marked as absent for the tests they were unable to complete.

NAPLAN Administration website

On Monday 11 April 2016, the NAPLAN Administration website was updated with student enrolment information, and released to schools to complete the following tasks:
  • produce personalised exemption and withdrawal forms
  • request the use of a scribe and/or assistive technology
  • add details of new students
  • print student attendance forms.
Schools that record attendance on printed forms will need to transfer the attendance details onto the website after the tests.
Please note that all principals are required to confirm that student attendance, exemption, withdrawal, withheld results and disability adjustment details have been accurately recorded on the website by Thursday 19 May 2016. Please note that the prompt completion of this confirmation process is essential for ensuring NAPLAN results are processed as quickly as possible.
An Online Attendance Guide with detailed instructions for NAPLAN coordinators can be accessed via the ‘Help’ function on the website.

Delivery of 2016 NAPLAN test packages

Delivery of the NAPLAN 2016 test packages to schools will begin in the week commencing Tuesday 26 April 2016. Staff who have been authorised by the principal to take delivery of the tests should be briefed about the pending arrival of the test packages and sign for them on arrival. If test packages have not been received by Tuesday 3 May 2016, please contact the NAPLAN Helpdesk immediately.
Test packages will include test books for all NAPLAN tests, Reading magazines, Writing stimulus materials and Test Administration Handbooks. The package will also include information pamphlets (which should be distributed to parents prior to the commencement of the NAPLAN tests), a Test Materials Security log and a packing slip.
Secure test materials will be packed separately in tamper-evident bags within the test package and schools should document the receipt, tracking, storage, distribution and collection of the test materials in the Test Materials Security log. The packing slip should be used to check that the correct quantity of materials has been provided. If insufficient quantities of materials are delivered, the principal or NAPLAN coordinator should immediately request extra NAPLAN test material via the NAPLAN Administration website. Please submit requests for extra NAPLAN test materials to the VCAA by Wednesday 4 May 2016.
Schools may retain any unused test books that do not have pre-printed student details on the front cover. All used and unused test books with student details printed on the front cover must be returned to the VCAA.

Genre for the NAPLAN 2016 Writing Test

Schools are reminded that Year 3 and 5 students will receive a different topic from Year 7 and 9 students for the NAPLAN 2016 Writing test. This decision has been made to ensure the continued maximum engagement and fairness for all students.
The genre for the NAPLAN 2016 Writing test will be either narrative or persuasive genre, and it will be the same genre for all year levels. The genre for the Writing test will not be disclosed prior to the test period and students will not be able to choose the genre in which they write their response.
The NAP website includes further details about the Writing test and relevant FAQs.

NAPLAN test observation visits

Each year, in order to facilitate the standard administration of the NAPLAN tests, the VCAA conducts a series of test observation visits to selected schools throughout Victoria.
NAPLAN test observers visit schools on one or more days during the testing period to observe the conduct of the tests, and to provide advice and assistance to schools to ensure compliance with all test administration requirements. NAPLAN test observers do not participate in the administration of the tests and later complete a written report for the VCAA.
Feedback from principals and NAPLAN test observers in the past has been very positive and the VCAA thanks schools in advance for their cooperation in this activity."