ACARA reports that: Online trials off to a good start
Since 2012, ACARA has been undertaking a range of research activities to look at the feasibility and practicality of delivering NAPLAN tests in an online environment. Delivering tests online gives opportunities to administer better testing, primarily through tailored testing (where test questions are tailored to the individual student’s ability), and to provide faster turnaround of results..
Between 18 August and 12 September this year, 300 schools are taking part in a study to finalise the targeting of the test design and its branching mechanism; that is, the way students are directed to certain sets of questions based on their demonstrated abilities. During the trials to date:
- Testing has taken place in 56 schools in New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, Australian Capital Territory, South Australia, Queensland and Western Australia.
- Two hundred and six test sessions in numeracy, reading, grammar and punctuation, and spelling have been delivered.
- Students have completed over 5800 tests.
- The first ever spelling tests via audio files have been trialled to 325 students in South Australia.
For more information on the online trials, see the NAP website.