Tuesday, August 15, 2017

NAPLAN online testing confidentiality

The New South Wales Teachers Federation and the Independent Education Union said they were acting on legal advice when advising public and private school teachers not to sign the agreements that cover testing of trial questions underway in about 440 schools across Australia.Two unions have told teachers not to sign confidentiality agreements about NAPLAN questions contained in online trial tests because of fears they may be sued if they disclose the contents of the test.
The Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) manages the development and delivery of NAPLAN, which is an annual assessment of reading, writing and numeracy for students in years three, five, seven and nine.
Maurie Mulheron from the Teachers Federation said the authority could not require teaching staff to sign the documents because ACARA is not their employer.
He said he was worried the agreements did not specify the ramifications for teachers if they inadvertently breached them.
"So, we don't know whether they intend to possibly sue them if they somehow inadvertently leak information about the test," he said.
"There's no information as to why ACARA is collecting the agreement from the teacher and our advice is there's no reason for a teacher to sign such an agreement."
The trials of potential NAPLAN questions have been undertaken every year as part of the test development process, ACARA said.
"The security of test content is paramount," it said in a statement.
"For this reason, those involved in item trialling are requested to maintain confidentiality of the content of items being trialled so no student has an unfair advantage when taking NAPLAN the following May."
The New South Wales Education Department said the agreements had been in place since 2008 but the unions said they were not aware of similar confidentiality agreements being circulated to teachers in past years.
The agreement states "teachers will not disclose the contents of the test or any related materials or procedures to any other persons apart from Pearson and the students undertaking the NAPLAN Online Item-Trial test."
The unions said they were also concerned about the private international company Pearson, which is administering the online NAPLAN tests.
"We've seen examples in the United States in the past where Pearson, as a company, have gone after individuals for allegedly breaching or disclosing information about some of the assessment items for students there," said Chris Watt, the federal secretary of the Independent Education Union.
"And, so our fear is that in the absence of detail or any understanding or knowledge of what might constitute a breach, our members could be putting themselves in a very dangerous legal situation.
"They might be inadvertently talking about matters with colleagues or a principal or consultants from the employment authority they work for and find that the curriculum authority or the company Pearson might construe that to be inappropriate conversation and a breach of the agreement, and they get into legal trouble."
The Online Item-Trial test is separate to School Readiness Testing (SRT) which is also happening in August and September to ensure schools are ready to do NAPLAN online.
It is set to be introduced in 2018. Technical issues forced its rollout to be scrapped this year.
SRT assesses the technical readiness of a school and lets them assess their bandwidth, wireless connectivity, and device capacity, ACARA said.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

2017 NAPLAN summary information released

Today ACARA has released the preliminary summary results of the 2017 National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) tests.

“The NAPLAN data show that over the last 10 years, since NAPLAN was introduced in 2008, there has been some improvement across all year levels in most domains,” ACARA CEO, Robert Randall, said.
“Importantly, we see a gradual redistribution of students from lower bands of achievement to higher ones, particularly in some domains and year levels, such as Year 3 reading. In other areas, this improvement has not always been great enough to significantly impact national averages, but it is a positive trend.”
Highlights of this year’s NAPLAN results include:
  • There is evidence of movement of students from lower to higher bands of achievement across year levels and most domains over the last 10 years. See our short video that demonstrates this.
  • Year 3 reading results continue to show sustained improvement.
  • ACT, Victoria and NSW continue to have high mean achievement across all domains.
  • There are increases in mean achievement in the Northern Territory in primary years reading and numeracy since 2008.
  • WA and Queensland have the largest growth in mean achievement across most domains since 2008.
Percentage of students meeting the national minimum standard remains high – over 90 per cent nationally and in most states and territories, across all domains and year levels.
The data also show that, compared with 2016, there is no significant improvement in national averages.

“Given the importance of literacy and numeracy during and beyond school, we would all like to see sustained growth in results across every domain and year level at the national level and in each state and territory,” Mr Randall said. “However, lasting improvements in student achievement take a number of years to flow through school systems and require consolidating gains over time”.
“The ten-year data indicate that change is happening, including significant change in some domains, year levels and in some jurisdictions, and this is to be welcomed. If this improvement can be replicated across more domains, years and states, then a lift in national averages will be seen.”
Each year, as the My School website is updated, we can see improvements being made in many schools across the country,” Mr Randall continued. “The ongoing challenge for all involved in education is to learn from this success and turn this into improved literacy and numeracy outcomes for more students in more schools."
Mr Randall said that when NAPLAN moves online from 2018, it will result in better assessment, more precise results and a faster turnaround of information.
“We anticipate that the tailored testing and online presentation will better engage students and provide an opportunity for them to better demonstrate their individual skills in literacy and numeracy.”
To view the NAPLAN 2017 summary information, visit the NAP website

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

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Best wishes,

Bill Healy BSc BA Dip Ed
Kilbaha Multimedia Publishing (Est. 1978)
PO Box 2227
Kew Vic 3101
m: 0413 425 374   +61413 425 374 
ABN: 47 065 111 373
Providing Quality Resources to Schools and Parents since 1978

Sunday, June 4, 2017

NAPLAN Online for NSW Schools

Special website for NSW schools to supply information about the transition to NAPLAN Online by 2019.


Tuesday, May 30, 2017

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Monday, May 29, 2017

NAPLAN 2017 finishes without the world ending By Robert Randall, ACARA CEO

NAPLAN is now over for 2017. The world didn’t stop spinning, there were no major incidents, and the vast majority of students, parents and teachers rightly treated NAPLAN for what it is – a series of short tests designed to gain valuable information on how Australia’s students are doing in the fundamentally important areas of literacy and numeracy.
Results will be out later in the year, in around 10–12 weeks, when we get information back to parents and schools about how students have performed on this year's tests. When NAPLAN moves online, this timeframe will be significantly reduced. 
It has now been a decade since NAPLAN was introduced. The annual assessment is mainly seen as a routine, but important, part of the school calendar. And that’s the way it should be.
Although less prevalent now than in the early years of NAPLAN, we do continue to hear the same NAPLAN myths repeated. I feel it is important to again dispel some of those common misconceptions…
"NAPLAN doesn’t add any value – my child already takes tests at school"
NAPLAN is a valuable tool for educators and parents to see how well Australia’s children are going in relation to literacy and numeracy standards. NAPLAN is a point-in-time snapshot assessment of students’ achievements in these areas. As a nation-wide assessment, NAPLAN doesn’t replace the assessment activities that are regularly held in classrooms; rather, it complements these assessments, adding a valuable national dimension.
Many school principals have actively voiced their support of NAPLAN. As in previous years, during this year’s NAPLAN testing, principals were commenting that the testing provides teachers and schools with data and valuable information that are used as intended – to target teaching both for groups of students and individuals. 
"There’s no point in my child taking NAPLAN"
As we know, literacy and numeracy are fundamental skills every child needs in life to succeed. NAPLAN doesn’t test everything that happens in a classroom – it isn’t intended to – but it does look at the critically important areas of literacy and numeracy. NAPLAN is a check on these areas – to see how each student is going, to see who is excelling, and to see who might need more help. Who wouldn’t want to know if a child is falling behind in a certain area? In reading, for example. That way help can be offered to them. No students should be left behind or overlooked in gaining essential literacy and numeracy skills. 
"NAPLAN causes anxiety and stress"
NAPLAN is not the first, nor the last test a child will take. It’s true, some students may feel anxious about NAPLAN, but it’s up to the adults in children’s lives to help keep NAPLAN in context. It’s a test that is taken four times in a child’s school life. Over three days, there are four tests, which take around one hour each. NAPLAN tests what students should learn through everyday teaching. Testing students’ literacy and numeracy skills is not new, states and territories had testing programs in place for many years before NAPLAN was introduced, it’s just that NAPLAN provides a national assessment and a national perspective.
While I regret any case of stress experienced by a young person as a result of NAPLAN, I can only wonder how it compares to the ongoing stress felt by young people and adults who do not possess the literacy and numeracy skills necessary to continue learning at and beyond school.
"NAPLAN data published on My School create league tables"
The My School website is not about league tables. There are no league tables on the website and ACARA does all it can to avoid the publication of league tables. In fact, My School and the data provided on it have enable us to identify schools that are demonstrating gain and celebrating cases of above average gain. 
Parents can use My School as one source of information about their child’s schooling, alongside other sources. Parents can make comparisons between their child’s school and others catering for students with similar backgrounds.
Overall, NAPLAN is about driving improvement in our schools. The valuable data gained are used for forward-planning, allocating support and resources, and tracking progress and achievements of individual students, as well as entire groups of students, over the course of their educational journey.
The data from NAPLAN is used to make sure we are doing our very best to give every Australian child the skills to thrive, by equipping them with essential literacy and numeracy skills.
The biggest failure would be if we were not monitoring how our children are going in these areas. An illiterate or innumerate child will not be a successful adult.

Taken from

Sunday, May 14, 2017

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Best wishes,

Bill Healy BSc BA Dip Ed
Kilbaha Multimedia Publishing (Est. 1978)
PO Box 2227
Kew Vic 3101
t: +61(0)3 9018 5376    
f: +61(0)3 9817 4334    
m: +61(0)413 425 374 
ABN: 47 065 111 373
Providing Quality Resources to Schools and Parents since 1978

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Sunday, April 30, 2017

Detailed answers to 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 ACARA NAPLAN Tests

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Friday, April 28, 2017

2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011 ACARA NAPLAN Tests

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Tuesday, April 25, 2017

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Wednesday, April 19, 2017

More States withdraw from NAPLAN Online

Victorian schools will not be taking part in an online trial of the National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) this year.
Education Services Australia (ESA) has been unable to resolve technological issues that are affecting NAPLAN Online’s platform and supporting technology in time to commence the online version of NAPLAN next month. Recent testing indicates that this could affect students’ ability to complete the tests.
The ACT and Western Australia also withdrew today, following South Australia and Queensland who had previously withdrawn from NAPLAN Online.
Victorian schools were fully prepared to participate in NAPLAN Online this year. However, there is not enough time for ESA to resolve the issues and complete comprehensive quality assurance testing in the next three weeks.
This decision means all Victorian students will sit pen-and-paper tests in 2017.
The Andrews Labor Government will continue to work with ESA and other states and territories to ensure a successful NAPLAN Online roll out from 2018.
Quotes attributable to Minister for Education James Merlino
“We want NAPLAN Online to be a positive experience for students and schools. With three weeks to go, we don’t have enough time to be confident of this happening.”
“The last thing we want is students being unable to demonstrate their numeracy and literacy skills because of technological faults.”
 “While we firmly believe in the benefits of NAPLAN Online, I will not put Victorian students in a situation that could compromise their results.”

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