Wednesday, April 13, 2016


 2016 Kilbaha NAPLAN Trial Test - Year 9 - Reading


 2016 Kilbaha NAPLAN Trial Test - Year 7 - Reading


 2016 Kilbaha NAPLAN Trial Test - Year 5 - Reading


 2016 Kilbaha NAPLAN Trial Test - Year 3 - Reading


 2016 Kilbaha NAPLAN Trial Test - Year 9 - Language


 2016 Kilbaha NAPLAN Trial Test - Year 7 - Language


 2016 Kilbaha NAPLAN Trial Test - Year 5 - Language


 2016 Kilbaha NAPLAN Trial Test - Year 3 - Language

2016 Kilbaha NAPLAN Trial Tests

The 2016 Kilbaha NAPLAN Trial Tests are now available for purchase.
  • Hard copy versions with detailed answers. (same format as ACARA)
  • Interactive versions with automatic marking. (save heaps of time)

Bill Healy BSc BA Dip Ed
Kilbaha Multimedia Publishing (Est. 1978)
PO Box 2227
Kew Vic 3101
t: 03 9018 5376    
f: 03 9817 4334    
m: 0413 425 374  
skype: kilbaha
ABN: 47 065 111 373
Providing Quality Resources to Schools and Parents since 1978

Friday, April 1, 2016

ACARA has provided this information about the 2016 May NAPLAN Tests.

NAPLAN 2016 aligned with the Australian Curriculum
This year, NAPLAN has been aligned to the Australian Curriculum: English and the Australian Curriculum: Mathematics.
The best preparation for NAPLAN is to continue focusing on teaching the curriculum. The Australian Curriculum for English and mathematics has been implemented in all states and territories. It incorporates the essential learning described in the Statements of learning and provides a broader common curriculum for teaching and learning in English and mathematics for all Australian students.
While most items in the NAPLAN 2016 test will be similar to past tests, there will be some important but subtle differences in some tests.
Across the language conventions, numeracy and reading tests
Items in the tests will be based primarily on knowledge, understanding and skills gained from the prior year. As in previous NAPLAN tests, a small percentage of additional content from the year of testing and following year of testing will be included. This is to ensure the range of items in the test allows all students to demonstrate their capability.
The wording of the item descriptors (these describe the skills and knowledge tested in NAPLAN) that schools will receive with their students’ results in August 2016 will be directly linked to a content description in the Australian Curriculum: English and the Australian Curriculum: Mathematics.
Language conventions test
In the NAPLAN language conventions test, the way information is presented to students will reflect how it is presented in the Australian Curriculum. This means there will be slightly more metalanguage included in items.
For example, in the past, when the NAPLAN test for Years 3 and 5 used words such as ‘noun’, ‘verb’ and ‘adjective’, there was an explanation of the word in brackets; that is, noun’ was followed by ‘naming word’. This year, the words ‘noun’, ‘verb’ and ‘adjective’ will appear in the NAPLAN test with no explaining words.
Numeracy test  
In the NAPLAN numeracy test, the proportion of items in the test from each sub-strand will match the proportion of the sub-stand content in the Australian Curriculum: Mathematics. As a result, there will be slightly fewer ‘space items’ (for example, features of 2D shapes and 3D objects) and more number, statistics and probability items than in past tests. The space items are now known as ‘geometry items’.
The NAPLAN reading tests will continue to focus on the reading content of the Australian Curriculum: English, with the range of text complexity similar to previous NAPLAN texts. The wording of the item descriptors that schools will receive with their students’ results in August 2016 will reflect the language of the Australian Curriculum, rather than that of the Statements of learning.
There will be no substantive changes to the NAPLAN writing test or the marking guides. As in past years, students will be asked to write a narrative or persuasive response to a writing prompt. 
There will be one writing prompt for Years 3 and 5, and one writing prompt for Years 7 and 9; the genre of the writing test will not be disclosed prior to the test. Students’ responses will be marked using the existing marking guides. 

The 2016 Kilbaha NAPLAN Trial Tests are aligned to the Australian Curriculum

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Coming soon!

2016 Kilbaha Interactive NAPLAN Trial Tests.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

NAPLAN Answers

Get detailed answers to all ACARA May NAPLAN Tests 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015. Years 3, 5, 7, 9. Language, Reading, Writing, Numeracy.

The only source of these detailed answers.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

NAPLAN Resources

NAPLAN 2016.

Every resource you need can be found here.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Biology, Chemistry, Physics Textbooks

Attention: Science, Biology, Chemistry, Physics , Mathematics

  • Quality Textbooks for $25 per school

  • Unbelievable value

Complete info at the links below.





(suitable for primary schools)

Bill Healy BSc BA Dip Ed
Kilbaha Multimedia Publishing (Est. 1978)
PO Box 2227
Kew Vic 3101
t: 03 9018 5376    
f: 03 9817 4334    
ABN: 47 065 111 373
Providing Quality Resources to Schools and Parents since 1978
We apologise if this email is not of interest to you. 
Unsubscribe email by replying with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Getting ACARA NAPLAN Tests using Freedom of Information (FOI)

The following has recently been reported. Very useful for schools, teachers and parents.

"Every student and every teacher and every parent can individually request the (2008-2011) tests from ACARA under FOI, who are then obliged to supply them. Which demonstrates the absurdity of ACARA’s enforcing the copyright at all." Marty Ross

If you want any of the ACARA NAPLAN Tests from 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 simply put in an FOI request to ACARA

Get all ACARA contact details here. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Rio Olympics

Attention: Principals, Maths Teachers, PE Teachers

  • Olympic mathematics - student projects with answers.

  • New editions for the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio.

  • Fantastic low cost student activity leading up to Rio on 5 August

"In the Running for the Olympics" - Purchase online here.

"In Training for the Olympics" - Purchase online here.

Best wishes,

Bill Healy BSc BA Dip Ed


Kilbaha Multimedia Publishing (Est. 1978)
PO Box 2227
Kew Vic 3101
t: 03 9018 5376    
f: 03 9817 4334    
ABN: 47 065 111 373
Providing Quality Resources to Schools and Parents since 1978

We apologise if this email is not of interest to you. 
Unsubscribe email by replying with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

NAPLAN-Trials (every year since 2009)

The 2016 Kilbaha NAPLAN Trial Tests are now being supplied to schools.
  • Year 3
  • Year 5
  • Year 7
  • Year 9
  • Language Conventions
  • Reading (with original reading magazines for years 3, 5, 7, 9)
  • Writing (original stimulus for years 3 and 5)
  • Writing (original stimulus for years 7 and 9)
  • Numeracy Calculator
  • Numeracy Non-Calculator
  • Detailed answers and responses for all tests.
  • PDF and WORD formats
  • Identical format to the May ACARA NAPLAN Tests

Immediate delivery.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

2016 NAPLAN Trial Tests

The 2016 Kilbaha NAPLAN Trial Tests are now available.
  • Year 3
  • Year 5
  • Year 7
  • Year 9
  • Language Conventions
  • Reading (with original reading magazines)
  • Writing
  • Numeracy Calculator
  • Numeracy Non-Calculator
  • Detailed answers and responses for all tests.
  • PDF and WORD formats
  • Identical format to the May ACARA NAPLAN Tests

Immediate delivery.

Best wishes

Bill Healy BSc BA Dip Ed
Kilbaha Multimedia Publishing (Est. 1978)
PO Box 2227
Kew Vic 3101
t: 03 9018 5376    
f: 03 9817 4334    
ABN: 47 065 111 373
Providing Quality Resources to Schools and Parents since 1978


2016 NAPLAN Trial Tests. Reading Year 3.  …

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

2016 NAPLAN Trial Tests

2016 NAPLAN Trial Tests. Language Conventions Year 3.