Tuesday, February 18, 2014

2014 Kilbaha NAPLAN Trial Tests

Place your order before February 28 and receive a free Year 7 Mathematics Resources CD with your NAPLAN Trial Tests.

Download the order form here.

Best wishes,

Bill Healy BSc BA Dip Ed
Kilbaha Multimedia Publishing (Est 1978)
PO Box 2227
Kew Vic 3101
ABN: 47 065 111 373

2014 NAPLAN Trial Tests

Dear Principal/Teacher/ Librarian,

Kilbaha NAPLAN Trial Tests

Now in their 6th year

Please forward to
  • NAPLAN Co-ordinator
  • English teachers
  • Mathematics teachers

Important NAPLAN information

Place your order before February 28 and receive a free Year 7 Mathematics Resources CD with your NAPLAN Trial Tests.

Best wishes,

Bill Healy BSc BA Dip Ed
Kilbaha Multimedia Publishing (Est. 1978)
PO Box 2227
Kew Vic 3101
ABN: 47 065 111 373

We apologise if this message is not of interest to you and will be pleased to remove you from our email list. Unsubscribe by replying with unsubscribe in the subject line.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Writing in the 2014 May NAPLAN Tests

In the May 2014 ACARA NAPLAN Writing Test, students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 will write either a narrative response or a persuasive response.
The prompt provided by ACARA will be for either a narrative response or a persuasive response.
Teachers and students will not be told in advance which it will be. It could be either.
It will be the same prompt for each of Years 3, 5, 7 and 9.
To help teachers and students prepare, Kilbaha has produced both a new narrative and a new persuasive prompt for the 2014 NAPLAN Trial Tests.
A sample response has also been provided for both prompts for each of Years 3, 5, 7 and 9.

Best wishes,

Bill Healy BSc BA Dip Ed
Kilbaha Multimedia Publishing (Est 1978)
PO Box 2227
Kew Vic 3101
t: 03 9018 5376
f: 03 9817 4334
ABN: 47 065 111 373

Friday, February 14, 2014

All NAPLAN Trial Tests and Detailed Answers

Dear Teachers and Parents,

NAPLAN 2014 will commence in 3 months time.(May 13, 2014)

Kilbaha has all the NAPLAN resources you need to prepare for these literacy and numeracy tests.

Download the 2014 catalogue here.

Best wishes,

Bill Healy BSc BA Dip Ed
Kilbaha Multimedia Publishing (Est 1978)
PO Box 2227
Kew Vic 3101
t: 03 9018 5376
f: 03 9817 4334
ABN: 47 065 111 373

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

2014 Kilbaha NAPLAN Trial Tests

The 2014 Kilbaha NAPLAN Trial Tests for Years 3, 5, 7, 9 in Language Conventions, Reading, Writing and Numeracy
will be sent to schools in the week commencing Monday March 17.

Download the order form here.

Best wishes,

Bill Healy BSc BA Dip Ed
Kilbaha Multimedia Publishing (Est. 1978)
PO Box 2227
Kew Vic 3101
t: 03 9018 5376
f: 03 9817 4334
ABN: 47 065 111 373

Monday, February 10, 2014

2014 NAPLAN Trial Tests

Did you know that Kilbaha has produced NAPLAN Trials every year since 2009?

2014 Trial Tests available.


Bill Healy BSc BA Dip Ed
Kilbaha Multimedia Publishing (Est 1978)
PO Box 2227
Kew Vic 3101
ABN: 47 065 111 373

Monday, February 3, 2014

2014 Kilbaha NAPLAN Trial Tests

The 2014 Kilbaha NAPLAN Trial Tests will be sent to schools in the week commencing Monday March 17.

The 2014 Trial Test for writing includes both narrative and persuasive genres.
There is stimulus material and sample responses for both genres for Years 3, 5, 7, 9.

Download the 2014 NAPLAN Trial Test order form here.

Best wishes for the start of the new school year.

Bill Healy BSc BA Dip Ed
Kilbaha Multimedia Publishing (Est 1978)
PO Box 2227
Kew Vic 3101
Tel: 03 9018 5376
Fax: 03 9817 4334
Mobile: 0413 425 374
Email: kilbaha@gmail.com
Web1: http://kilbaha.com.au
Web2: http://naplan.blogspot.com

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

2014 Kilbaha Catalogue

The 2014 catalogue from Kilbaha Multimedia Publishing can now be downloaded from http://kilbaha.com.au

The 2014 catalogue is designed for schools, teachers and parents.

Best wishes for the 2014 school year.

Bill Healy BSc BA Dip Ed
Kilbaha Multimedia Publishing (Est. 1978)
PO Box 2227
Kew Vic 3101
Tel: 03 9018 5376
Fax: 03 9817 4334
Mobile: 0413 425 374
Email: kilbaha@gmail.com
Web1: http://kilbaha.com.au
Web2: http://naplan.blogspot.com

Friday, January 10, 2014

Free NAPLAN downloads

Free NAPLAN resource downloads available at http://kilbaha.com.au

Bill Healy BSc BA Dip Ed
Kilbaha Multimedia Publishing (Est 1978)
PO Box 2227
Kew Vic 3101
Tel: 03 9018 5376
Fax: 03 9817 4334
Mobile: 0413 425 374
Email: kilbaha@gmail.com
Web1: http://kilbaha.com.au
Web2: http://naplan.blogspot.com

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Research and Trialling 

ACARA is conducting a broad research program into the transition from paper-based to computer-based assessments. The purpose of the research is to provide evidence-based information to education ministers and the broader education community about the possibility of delivering the NAPLAN in a computer-based, or ‘online’, environment.
The research study consists of three elements: a pilot research study, a trialling study and a linking study.

Pilot research study

From September to November 2012, ACARA conducted a pilot research study into online assessment. Approximately 125 schools across Australia participated in the study. The study used literacy and numeracy questions from NAPLAN and questions from NAP sample assessments in civics and citizenship (NAP-CC).
The pilot research study comprised both a mode effect study and a cognitive interview study:
  • The mode effect study investigated how the performance of items (questions) is affected by the mode in which the test is delivered, that is, whether items perform differently in paper-based and computer-based tests.
  • In some schools, researchers conducted cognitive interviews with students. This study was a small qualitative study intended to gauge levels of student engagement with the computer-based assessments.

Trialling study

In August and September 2013, ACARA trialled online delivery of a tailored test design. The tailored tests provided a multi-branching test consisting of interlocking sets of questions. Students answered an initial set of questions and were then directed to the subsequent sets of questions based on the accuracy of their responses. Students with a high number of questions correct were directed to more challenging questions. Students who had a lower level of achievement in the initial set of questions were directed to questions that were less challenging. The tailored test was expected to provide better assessment of individual student achievement relative to ability.

More than 250 schools across Australia volunteered to participate in the study. The study included remote schools as well as a trial with a small number of home-based and geographically remote students. Approximately 23,000 tests were delivered to students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9, in reading, numeracy and writing. The research study also investigated the cognitive and behavioural engagement of students with the tailored test and the effectiveness of the proposed test design in better targeting underperforming students. ACARA is now analysing the test data and a range of other information collected, including observations by invigilators and technical issues experienced in schools.
ACARA’s research has also investigated autoscoring technology and technically enhanced items that are designed to assess particular aspects of literacy and numeracy aligned with the Australian Curriculum.

Linking study

In 2014 a linking study will focus on the linking of paper- and computer-based assessment scales. The scope and precise timeline for this study will be determined by the outcomes of the pilot research study and the trialling study.
Research findings will be made available progressively.
For more information about ACARA’s research into online assessment, please contact onlineresearch@acara.edu.au.

Technical Requirements

Technical Requirements

ACARA is conscious that a move to online delivery of NAPLAN will raise many questions about the technical requirements that will need to be met. As research is completed and decisions are made by state and territory ministers, information about technical requirements will be updated and disseminated.
It is recognised that many schools will not have one-to-one device ratios. Due to the nature of tailored testing, it will no longer be necessary for test security purposes to have all students take NAPLAN tests at the same time. ACARA will widen the test window to allow increased flexibility for tests to be staggered over a longer period of time. Schools will be notified about changes to the test window once a final decision has been made about the length and structure of the test window for 2016.

Minimum technical specifications for devices

A delivery platform is being built that will support the broad possible range of devices. ACARA is working with partners to define the baseline (or minimum) device specifications for NAPLAN online. These specifications are expected to be available in mid-2014.
ACARA understands that schools will already be looking at buying computers for 2014 onwards. The following requirements should be considered for new purchases:
  • minimum screen size of 25.4cm
  • minimum screen resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels
  • a physical keyboard for tablets (on-screen keyboards reduce the screen real-estate available for the display of test items)
  • headphones or earphones
  • appropriate networking for the applicable classroom (wired Ethernet or WiFi)
  • operating system version which is current at the time of new purchase and which the vendor will support until at least June 2016
  • web browser that is current at time of purchase (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari) with JavaScript enabled.
Older devices may be supported if they meet the minimum device specification when it is developed. However the minimum screen size, resolution and need for a physical keyboard and headphones, will also apply to those devices.

Internet connectivity requirements

Transitioning to NAPLAN online assumes that schools have reliable access to the internet. However, some provisions will also be made for students, only where necessary, to complete the same tests on computers that do not have adequate or any internet connection.
ACARA is working with state and territory governments, and sector representatives to assess the steps that need to be taken to ensure that schools have access to sufficient internet bandwidth to undertake the tests online.

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)

Many schools are moving towards a BYOD policy that allows students to use their own computer at school. The use of a personal computer or tablet for national tests raises a number of issues around test security and privacy.
ACARA is currently consulting with schools, education departments and sector representatives to work through these issues and to develop an appropriate policy regarding the use of personal devices for NAPLAN tests.

Managing the Change

Managing the Change

From: http://www.nap.edu.au/online-assessment/naplan-online/managing-the-change.html

Moving NAPLAN to a computer-based environment represents a substantial change for schools. ACARA is working with state and territory governments, sector representatives and schools to develop change management plans and deliver information that will help schools prepare for and adapt to this change.
ACARA has identified a number of potential issues relating to the move from pen and paper testing to online testing, and is working through these issues as part of the wider research program into online assessment. As solutions are reached and decisions are made, these will be communicated to schools and the wider public. These solutions are being developed based on feedback from schools who have been participating in online assessment trials and in conjunction with numerous partners across Australia.
While there are challenges involved in the move to online assessment, there are also clear benefits.  Online assessments afford opportunities to provide faster feedback on student performance, as well as assessing a wider range of skills and knowledge.

Tailored tests

As part of the move to delivery of NAPLAN online, ACARA is introducing a tailored test design. Tailored tests provide a multi-branching test consisting of interlocking sets of questions. Students answer an initial set of questions and are then directed to subsequent sets of questions based on the accuracy of their responses.
Improving student engagement with the tests is one of the main aims of the move to NAPLAN online. Higher performing students will be asked more challenging questions and students who find the questions too challenging will be presented with questions better suited to their abilities.The tailored test is expected to provide better assessment of individual student achievement relative to ability.

What are the benefits of tailored tests?

The potential benefits of tailored testing for NAPLAN include:
  • Increases student engagement with the tests as tests questions are more aligned with a student’s ability.
  • Reduces the anxiety students may experience when exposed to test questions that are beyond their reach.
  • Provides teachers and schools with more targeted and detailed information of their students’ performance on the tests.

Timing of the tests

It is widely recognised that most schools do not have enough computers to allow all students in Years 3, 5, 7 or 9 to sit the tests at the same time.  Many schools would also experience problems with internet bandwidth in this situation.
To alleviate these problems, ACARA intends to change the test window with the move to online assessment so not all students will have to sit the tests at the same time, as is currently the case. Due to the nature of the tailored tests, the test material can be kept secure even if the tests are sat by students over a number of days.
It is expected that the tests will still take place in May.  May has been identified by state and territory education ministers and governments as the month that is most convenient for all jurisdictions.

Preparations for NAPLAN online 

In the coming months ACARA will be working with states and territories to establish a work plan to help schools prepare for the move to online delivery of NAPLAN. More information will be available in 2014 about the steps schools need to take to prepare for NAPLAN in 2016.
If you have any questions about the move to online delivery of NAPLAN, you can contact ACARA at info@acara.edu.au.


 From http://www.nap.edu.au/online-assessment/naplan-online/naplan-online.html

In May of every year, students in years 3, 5, 7 and 9 take part in the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN). NAPLAN was first introduced in 2008 and has become a routine part of the school calendar in Australia.

NAPLAN, which is part of the National Assessment Program (NAP), is how governments, education authorities and schools can determine whether young Australians are reaching important educational goals.

It is anticipated that from 2016, students undertaking NAPLAN will no longer complete tests using pen and paper. All students will complete NAPLAN tests using a computer or another electronic device, such as a tablet.

Moving NAPLAN into a computer-based, or ‘online’, environment brings many new opportunities for students and teachers that are often limited or not possible with paper-based tests.

The benefits of online assessments

Some of the main benefits of students taking part in NAPLAN online include:
  • Assessments will use a tailored test design. Students will answer an initial set of questions and then be directed to subsequent sets of questions based on the accuracy of their responses. Students with a high number of questions correct will be directed to more challenging questions. Students who have a lower level of accuracy in the initial set of questions will be directed to questions that are less challenging.
  • Tailored testing will provide teachers and schools with more targeted and detailed information on their students’ performance on the tests.
  • Use of a computer-based environment provides the opportunity to broaden the scope of the assessments.
  • Delivery of assessments online will significantly reduce the time it takes to provide feedback to schools, students and parents.
  • ACARA research into online assessment has shown that students have engaged well with computer-based tests.
As technology develops, ACARA aims to further refine the delivery platform to best use the available technology to provide increasingly sophisticated assessments.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Naplan, why Tasmanian students are being put to the test

A recent story, Naplan, why Tasmanian students are being put to the test, on the ABC 7.30 Report (Tasmania) highlighted how teachers are using NAPLAN results to improve student outcomes in their school. 

Friday, November 29, 2013

Mathematics Workbook

  • End of year Olympics mathematics workbook with answers
  • Students love this activity
  • One weeks work for Years 6, 7 or 8
  • Revises lots of maths topics
  • No teacher marking required
  • New edition for the 2016 Rio Olympics
  • Normally $49.95 for schools
  • Only $10 during November, December
  • Web download only (PayPal, Visa, MasterCard)
  • No school order numbers
  • Get your copy now
Full details and sample pages here
Best wishes for end of term 4 and the holidays.
Bill Healy BSc BA Dip Ed
Kilbaha Multimedia Publishing (Est 1978)
PO Box 2227
Kew Vic 3101
Tel: 03 9018 5376
Fax: 03 9817 4334
Mobile: 0413 425 374
Email: kilbaha@gmail.com
Web: http://kilbaha.com.au

Monday, November 25, 2013

Monday, November 18, 2013

End of year special

Looking for a great mathematics activity for the end of the year?

  • End of year Olympics mathematics workbook with answers
  • Students love this activity
  • One weeks work for Years 6, 7 or 8
  • Revises lots of maths topics
  • No teacher marking required
  • New edition for the 2016 Rio Olympics
  • Normally $49.95 for schools
  • Only $10 during November, December
  • Web download only (PayPal, Visa, MasterCard)
  • No school order numbers
  • Get your copy now
Full details and sample pages here
Best wishes for end of term 4 and the holidays.

Bill Healy BSc BA Dip Ed
Kilbaha Multimedia Publishing (Est 1978)
PO Box 2227
Kew Vic 3101
Tel: 03 9018 5376
Fax: 03 9817 4334
Mobile: 0413 425 374
Email: kilbaha@gmail.com
Web: http://kilbaha.com.au

Friday, November 15, 2013

ACARA May NAPLAN Tests - Questions

  • Most schools throughout Australia have copies of the May NAPLAN Test Questions from 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013. 
  • If you do not have the questions, ask ACARA for a set.  
  • You can email ACARA here. 
  • We regret that we are not permitted to supply the May NAPLAN Test questions to schools or to parents.  
  • Kilbaha supplies the detailed answers to all of the official May NAPLAN Tests.

Detailed answers to the May 2013 ACARA NAPLAN Tests - Year 9 - Numeracy Calculator Allowed