Friday, November 29, 2013

Mathematics Workbook

  • End of year Olympics mathematics workbook with answers
  • Students love this activity
  • One weeks work for Years 6, 7 or 8
  • Revises lots of maths topics
  • No teacher marking required
  • New edition for the 2016 Rio Olympics
  • Normally $49.95 for schools
  • Only $10 during November, December
  • Web download only (PayPal, Visa, MasterCard)
  • No school order numbers
  • Get your copy now
Full details and sample pages here
Best wishes for end of term 4 and the holidays.
Bill Healy BSc BA Dip Ed
Kilbaha Multimedia Publishing (Est 1978)
PO Box 2227
Kew Vic 3101
Tel: 03 9018 5376
Fax: 03 9817 4334
Mobile: 0413 425 374

Monday, November 25, 2013

Monday, November 18, 2013

End of year special

Looking for a great mathematics activity for the end of the year?

  • End of year Olympics mathematics workbook with answers
  • Students love this activity
  • One weeks work for Years 6, 7 or 8
  • Revises lots of maths topics
  • No teacher marking required
  • New edition for the 2016 Rio Olympics
  • Normally $49.95 for schools
  • Only $10 during November, December
  • Web download only (PayPal, Visa, MasterCard)
  • No school order numbers
  • Get your copy now
Full details and sample pages here
Best wishes for end of term 4 and the holidays.

Bill Healy BSc BA Dip Ed
Kilbaha Multimedia Publishing (Est 1978)
PO Box 2227
Kew Vic 3101
Tel: 03 9018 5376
Fax: 03 9817 4334
Mobile: 0413 425 374

Friday, November 15, 2013

ACARA May NAPLAN Tests - Questions

  • Most schools throughout Australia have copies of the May NAPLAN Test Questions from 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013. 
  • If you do not have the questions, ask ACARA for a set.  
  • You can email ACARA here. 
  • We regret that we are not permitted to supply the May NAPLAN Test questions to schools or to parents.  
  • Kilbaha supplies the detailed answers to all of the official May NAPLAN Tests.

Detailed answers to the May 2013 ACARA NAPLAN Tests - Year 9 - Numeracy Calculator Allowed

Friday, November 8, 2013

NAPLAN online in 2016?

ACARA just published the following information in a newsletter

Our goal is to have all Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 students sit the NAPLAN tests in a computer-based environment in May 2016, but we are working with our partners to determine if it is possible to start sooner.

As part of ACARA’s mission to set national expectations through its curriculum, assessment and reporting work, we are
working in partnership with Education Services Australia to undertake a rigorous national process and extensive research
to inform our work to move to assessment online.

Moving NAPLAN to a computer-based environment involves change while also creating new opportunities for students and teachers that are not possible

with paper-based tests.

One of the main benefits of conducting NAPLAN online
will be that the tests will be ‘tailored’. As students progress through the tests sets of questions will be presented to students based on their answers to previous sets of questions. This is expected to improve student engagement with the tests, as higher performing students will be asked more challenging questions and students who find the same questions too challenging will be presented with questions more suited to their abilities. Tailored testing will also provide teachers and schools with more targeted and detailed information on their students’ performance on the tests. 

Conducting NAPLAN tests online will involve many, if not all, test items being scored automatically, significantly reducing the time it takes to provide feedback to schools and students and parents.
For more information about the NAP sample program and NAPLAN, visit ACARA’s National Assessment Program website or the ACARA website. Information about NAPLAN online will be progressively added over the coming weeks.
I also invite you to follow our two Twitter accounts to obtain the latest news about online assessment and other updates from ACARA via @ACARA_CEO and @ACARAeduau. We look forward to you joining the conversation.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Get your NAPLAN Answers

New: Detailed answers to the May 2013 ACARA NAPLAN Tests - Years 3, 5, 7, 9. Language conventions, Reading, Writing, Numeracy. Buy online here or download the order form here.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

NAPLAN Online Trials

The Australian Teacher Magazine

STUDENTS have swapped traditional pencil and paper assessment sheets for computer keyboards to take part in trials of online NAPLAN testing. A whopping 15,000 students from schools in every state and territory volunteered to put the digital delivery method through its paces. The trials are part of an ongoing research project by ACARA into the viability of large scale online assessment. “The main focus is on NAPLAN but it’s important to remember at the same time there’s consideration to building a capability to have other sorts of assessments delivered online as well,” ACARA’s Peter Adams explains. Australia’s federal, state and territory education ministers agreed to online trials in April 2012 and in December last year decided the focus should be on NAPLAN.
Although they targeted 2016 as a possible start date, Adams — general manager for assessment and reporting — says it’s not a ‘fait accompli’. “They said last year that there were a number of things on which they would like more information in order to be able to finally commit to 2016. “… that’s only a proposed date, we’re expecting that ministers will say more at the end of this year.” The online NAPLAN trials for Year 3, 5, 7 and 9 reading, writing and numeracy assessments have been put together by ACARA following consultation with teachers, principals and students.
“There are a number of streams of work and a number of levels of consultation,” Adams says.
“We’re looking at it from an educational and technical dimension. Our work is centring on, first and foremost: What benefits do we see to students and teachers and schools?”
The trials are also looking at whether students give different answers when they complete tests online, the capability of both staff and students to use the technology, and how to make NAPLAN more accessible for students with learning needs and disabilities.
“What we’ve been doing as part of our research is looking at what do we think we can do to enhance the current assessment practice by going into an online environment.
“What do we need to know about the way that students complete assessments and what differences are there between doing an assessment online and doing an assessment on paper?
“We’ve … done live studies with students and schools where we have a look at — if they complete the same work on pencil and paper and then they do it online, are there any differences in the way they go about it?
“Do they come up with different material? Is there a difference in the level of performance they demonstrate depending on the mode?
“We’ve also looked at what sorts of things kids can do at, say, Year 3 — can they use a keyboard for example?
“We also need to look at how can we link data that comes out of an online testing system with data that’s been developed [from] a pencil and paper system.
“We think on the work and research we’ve done we’ll be able to increase the level of accessibility for students with special requirements — and that’s a really good thing.
“We’re also looking at how we might use the technology to improve the types of items that we can use; or, to use the slightly more complex or sophisticated items — because there are things you can do electronically that you can’t do on pencil and paper.”
Adams says one particularly exciting aspect of the research relates to tailored test design. In a test broken into three sections, students complete a set of common questions and their performance on those affects the difficulty of the next set, and so on.
“Now, the value of this tailored test design for NAPLAN is that we can better target kids’ ability in the testing so that high performing students are going to get the opportunity to demonstrate their ability by completing more difficult, complex and challenging items.
“And for the less able students we can give them more questions that are suitable to their level of ability at the time of the test, and therefore they engage more with it and most importantly we can learn more about what they can do and what they know.
“So, tailored test design is very exciting. There’s a lot of interest in it from teachers, principals, researchers, administrators and people in education departments. It’s a key focus within the research program that we’re doing.
“We do see kids disengage early with the test, and that’s not good for their confidence, it doesn’t give them the opportunity to demonstrate what they know and we learn less about them, so we’re very strongly of the view that [tailored test design] is going to be a really good thing.”
Adams says students trialling the new systems can talk about their experiences and give feedback on what they did and didn’t enjoy through ‘cognitive laboratories’.
ACARA is confident that moving the tests online will lead to richer data on student performance and some of that data will be returned to teachers much quicker.
“I’m not saying that we’ll get everything that we currently give back much quicker, but we’re looking at what we can give back to schools very soon after the tests,” Adams says.
The research team is looking at automated scoring programs being used internationally and exploring the possibility of using the technology in combination with professional markers.
Another important stream of the work is technical readiness — in relation to schools and teachers.
“… one of the things we’re really aware of is some schools are much better equipped with technology and infrastructure than others … so we’re looking at how we can do it technically.
“We’ve got four levels of possible technology and are going around the country at the moment talking to the government and non-government sectors.
“We could have a web-based, that’s our preference, but we know in some circumstances you can’t say that, you could put it on a local server, or you could use some other technique.
“The other thing we’re putting a strong focus on is learning what we can about how teachers feel about this, how comfortable they are in managing students doing an online test, what assistance they might need, what are their main concerns and how can we best meet them.
“Because, in a NAPLAN test for example online, the teacher is going to be the main person administering the test, so they’ve got to be comfortable about what they’re doing, know how to do it and have relevant support available.
“We’d like to think that we’re being realistic and informing ourselves of all of the challenges as well as the benefits.”
In addition to the NAPLAN trials, ACARA is running an online program that will see 14,000 Year 6 and 10 students across the country take the Civics and Citizenship assessment in October.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

2013 NAPLAN Answers

New: Detailed answers to the May 2013 ACARA NAPLAN Tests - Years 3, 5, 7, 9. Language conventions, Reading, Writing, Numeracy. Buy online here or download the order form here.

Monday, September 16, 2013

May 2013 NAPLAN Answers

Detailed answers and sample responses to the May 2013 ACARA NAPLAN Tests are available from Kilbaha Multimedia Publishing.

Important Note:
Kilbaha Multimedia Publishing is not permitted to supply the May 2013 NAPLAN questions. These are copyright ACARA. Schools that have kept copies of the May 2013 NAPLAN tests will find these detailed answers very useful. Full explanations of answers are provided. A sample writing response for each level (3, 5, 7, 9) is also provided.

Download the order form here or purchase online here.

2013 NAPLAN Summary Report 2

The Summary Report provides nationally comparable data for the 2013 national and state/territory results for each year level (3, 5, 7 and 9) and for each test domain (reading, writing, spelling, grammar and punctuation, and numeracy). It also gives comparisons of national and state/territory achievement in each year and test domain between 2008 (2011 for persuasive writing) to 2013 and 2012 to 2013.
Key findings from the 2013 Summary Report include:
  • Overall student achievement at state/territory levels has remained stable across 2012-2013.
  • There has been a moderate increase in performance in Year 5 Reading compared to the first year of  NAPLAN data in 2008. This builds on the changes that we have seen in Year 3 Reading in recent years.
  • The moderate overall improvement that we have seen in Reading in recent years continues nationally when we compare this year’s results with 2008.
Robert Randall, Chief Executive Officer of ACARA said today, These results give a crucial first look at how our students performed in this year’s NAPLAN assessments, which are an important tool to help improve student learning. I am pleased with the identified moderate increase in performance in Year 5 reading."
Read or download the 2013 NAPLAN Summary Report on the National Assessment Program website.       

The detailed answers to the 2013 May NAPLAN Tests are available from Kilbaha Multimedia Publishing. Download the order form here or purchase online here.

2013 NAPLAN Summary Report 1

Stable student achievement and encouraging signs of improvement
ACARA published the 2013 NAPLAN Summary Report on Friday 13 September.

The  Summary Report provides nationally comparable data for the 2013 national and state/territory results for each year level (3, 5, 7 and 9) and for each test domain (reading, writing, spelling, grammar and punctuation, and numeracy). It also gives comparisons of national and state/territory achievement in each year and test domain between 2008 to 2013 and 2012 to 2013.
Robert Randall, Chief Executive Officer of ACARA said, “These results give a crucial first look at how our students performed in this year’s NAPLAN assessments, which are an important tool to help improve student learning. I am pleased with the identified increased in performance in Year 5 reading.

While participation rates remain very high, I am concerned by any reports of withdrawals.” 
Professor Barry McGaw AO, Chairman of ACARA added, “I encourage all parents to have their child participate in NAPLAN to ensure that they are provided with the opportunity to understand their child’s performance at school relevant to their peers. If children don’t participate, parents miss out on information that will benefit your child in subsequent years (as some schools may use the data to target areas for improvement) and  will have a direct benefit on your child’s own experience and learning by contributing to their school’s ability to improve literacy and numeracy teaching.”
Read or download the 2013 NAPLAN Summary Report on the National Assessment Program website.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Your help needed.

Sign this petition to help a man get access to a drug to potentially cure his melanoma.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Support the Tecoma protest against Maccas

Should primary school children be protected from the influence of corporate giants like Maccas?

Enjoy the Flash Mob singalong.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Welcome back

Welcome back to all our readers and subscribers. Kilbaha Multimedia Publishing has produced detailed answers to the May 2013 ACARA NAPLAN Tests.

New: Detailed answers to the May 2013 ACARA NAPLAN Tests - Years 3, 5, 7, 9. Language conventions, Reading, Writing, Numeracy. Buy online here or download the order form here.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Support the education of girls worldwide

Hi everyone.

I just signed the petition " Stand with Malala: End the Education Emergency " on

It's important. Will you sign it too? Here's the link:


Bill Healy

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Offer extended due to demand

$1.00 only. Normally $49.95. Mathematics Workbook - In the Running for the Olympics

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Maths workbook $1.00

Today $1.00 only. Normally $49.95. Mathematics Workbook - In the Running for the Olympics

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Australian Curriculum English - Year 6

Download free sample questions for the Australian Curriculum 

Monday, July 1, 2013

Australian Curriculum English - Year 5

Download free sample questions for the Australian Curriculum 

Friday, June 28, 2013

48 page Mathematics workbook for $1.00

Buy "In the Running for the Olympics" for $1.00
Fantastic value for a limited time only.

Click here.

Free mathematics workbook until June 30

Get a free copy of our popular mathematics workbook "In the Running for the Olympics" (normally $49.95) when you buy anything else directly from our Education Store online at

Australian Curriculum Mathematics - Year 10

Download free sample questions for the Australian Curriculum 

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Australian Curriculum Mathematics - Year 9

Download free sample questions for the Australian Curriculum 

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Australian Curriculum Mathematics - Year 8

Download free sample questions for the Australian Curriculum 

Thursday, June 20, 2013

It's getting near the end of term, let's have some fun

My thanks to Rex Boggs for this list (original source unknown).

Treat your friends to one of these today to get a smile.

Puns for slightly above average people

1. The fattest knight at King Arthur's round table was Sir Cumference.  He acquired his size from too much pi.

2. I thought I saw an eye doctor on an Alaskan island, but it turned out to be an optical Aleutian .

3. She was only a whiskey maker, but he loved her still.

4. A rubber band pistol was confiscated from algebra class, because it was a weapon of math disruption.

5. No matter how much you push the envelope, it'll still be stationery.

6. A dog gave birth to puppies near the road and was cited for littering.

7. A grenade thrown into a kitchen in France would result in Linoleum Blownapart.

8. Two silk worms had a race. They ended up in a tie.

9. A hole has been found in the nudist camp wall. The police are looking into it.

10. Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.

11. Atheism is a non-prophet organization.

12. Two hats were hanging on a hat rack in the hallway. One hat said to the other: 'You stay here; I'll go on a head.'

13. I wondered why the baseball kept getting bigger. Then it hit me.

14. A sign on the lawn at a drug rehab center said: 'Keep off the Grass.'

15. The midget fortune-teller who escaped from prison was a small medium at large.

16. The soldier who survived mustard gas and pepper spray is now a seasoned veteran.

17. A backward poet writes inverse.

18. In a democracy it's your vote that counts. In feudalism it's your count that votes.

19. When cannibals ate a missionary, they got a taste of religion.

20. If you jumped off the bridge in Paris, you'd be in Seine .

21. A vulture boards an airplane, carrying two dead raccoons. The stewardess looks at him and says, 'I'm sorry, sir, only one carrion allowed per passenger.'

22. Two fish swim into a concrete wall.  One turns to the other and says 'Dam!'

23. Two Eskimos sitting in a kayak were chilly, so they lit a fire in the craft. Unsurprisingly it sank, proving once again that you can't have your kayak and heat it too.

24. Two hydrogen atoms meet. One says, 'I've lost my electron.' The other says 'Are you sure?' The first replies, 'Yes, I'm positive.'

25. Did you hear about the Buddhist who refused Novocain during a root canal? His goal: transcend dental medication.

And finally ...

26. There was the person who sent ten puns to friends, with the hope that at least one of the puns would make them laugh.   No pun in ten did.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The future of NAPLAN

 The following article appeared in The Australian Newspaper on 1 June, 2013.

A test to suit the 21st century

NAPLAN has a 25-year history of development and refinement but major changes are in view.
The origins of NAPLAN lie in the NSW Basic Skills Testing Program introduced in 1989 and the other state and territory programs that followed by the mid-90s. All tested students in literacy and numeracy and reported to parents as well as schools. The council of education ministers then sought a national picture of students' achievements from the separate state and territory results. This was done, more or less effectively, until the council of ministers -- when Brendan Nelson was federal minister -- launched an investigation into the alternative of all states and territories using the same tests.
The report was received in early 2007, when Julie Bishop was the federal education minister, and the
council decided to create the National Assessment Program: Literacy and Numeracy. The first NAPLAN tests were developed and trialled during 2007, and then used in 2008 when Julia Gillard was the federal minister. She drove the program forward and also ensured, through the My School website, that parents saw results for their schools as well as their own children.
The new NAPLAN tests for 2008 were based on an amalgam of the states' and territories' existing test
frameworks. A new framework can now be developed, based on the new curriculum for English and
mathematics and its general capabilities in literacy and numeracy. This will provide a richer framework than the current one. If science is added, then its test framework will be based on the new science curriculum. Another major change being planned is to switch from paper and pen to electronic delivery. The council of education ministers has set a target of 2016 for this change.
Electronic delivery will bring major benefits. It will allow quicker turnaround of results and give schools a better opportunity to use the information diagnostically. Most importantly, it will enable us to target tests more appropriately to students. Our plan is for all students in a year level to take the same first third of the test. The computer will score responses as the students go and, on the basis of their performance, move them on to either more or less difficult tasks for the next third. For the final third, students doing very well will move on to challenging tasks while those struggling will move to relatively easy, diagnostic tasks. There will be one or two sets of tasks with difficulties between these two sets to which other students would move. Having students do different tasks will have three major benefits. First, it will enable better measurement of high and low performers than the current single test for all students at a year level can provide. With the current tests, we see growth plateau in secondary school. We cannot tell whether that is due to the current test not measuring well the higher performances expected at Year 9, secondary schools failing to continue to develop literacy and numeracy skills, or those skills actually reaching a natural plateau. With differentiated tests we will be able to test this empirically. Second, we will achieve more precise measurement for all students by not wasting their time on tasks that are so difficult or so easy for them they provide little information on what students know and are able to do. Third, with students in a school taking differing combinations of tasks, the tests will be less predictable. Indeed, with the tests in all their parts reflecting the overall curriculum, the only appropriate test preparation will be to give students a full, rich curriculum. All students' results can be reported on the same literacy and numeracy scales, even though they will not all be doing the same tasks. A fuller set of tasks will be developed for teachers to download and use when they choose. These tasks will be linked to the national literacy and numeracy scales to enable teachers to monitor and map students' growth during the year. NAPLAN will continue to give parents a report on their children's development that is informed by a bigger picture than that available to individual schools and teachers but teachers will also have a new diagnostic tool to help them organise students' learning. ACARA is currently testing the model of electronic delivery for use in the sample-based survey National Assessment Program (NAP): Civics and Citizenship that is scheduled to be administered to around 7,000 students in each of years 6 and 10 later this year. The next generation of NAPLAN literacy and numeracy tests will transform the monitoring of students' development of these key foundational skills. It will be 21st century assessment for 21st century young people and their families.

Barry McGaw is the chairman of the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority.

A test to suit the 21st century | The Australian


In defence of NAPLAN Part 2

ACARA has made a lengthy submission to the Senate Committee about NAPLAN.

Read the full submission here.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

In defence of NAPLAN Part 1

This article was published by ACARA recently.

NAPLAN means more information to improve student performance
By Robert Randall

Later this week the senate will conduct an inquiry into the effectiveness of Australia’s annual NAPLAN tests. The Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA), which develops the NAPLAN tests, has made a submission to this inquiry, as have dozens of organisations, schools and private citizens. We think that it is important to respond to matters raised in some of those submissions. There is all but universal agreement that literacy and numeracy, the basic skills which are assessed by NAPLAN, are at the heart of all learning, and that their mastery pays dividends within and beyond school. A young person who cannot read and write well or do mathematics will not be able to succeed in other areas of learning.
We believe that the best way to develop literacy and numeracy is through the delivery of a broad rich curriculum. Literacy and numeracy are used and developed when students are taught science, English, the Arts, mathematics, and all the other learning areas that make up a rich, well-rounded curriculum. A narrowing of the curriculum to focus on test preparation will not improve NAPLAN results.Assessment is a key element of quality teaching and learning and it is conducted in classrooms on a regular basis. Teachers and school leaders are well placed to work with young people and their parents to support them to engage with any new or challenging experience, including tests.
NAPLAN complements school-based assessment and adds national, state and territory reference points to assist schools to reflect on their achievements and plan for improvement.
Preparation for NAPLAN tests does not require extended use of practice tests. Some use of practice tests will assist students, particularly younger ones, to become familiar with the form of the test but overuse will be counterproductive. At the same time it should also be acknowledged that students feel stress or experience pressure about any number of things, from the cross-country tournament to their presentation before the school assembly. Learning to manage nerves is part of growing up, and reassurance from parents and teachers can not only calm any lingering fears but also help young people build resilience. ACARA acknowledges that schools take a wide range of approaches to NAPLAN. Most get the balance right, but a few probably build the tests up out of proportion to what they are, namely, a snapshot of student ability that takes just a few hours over a few days every other year. ACARA is also working with other agencies and state and territory school and curriculum authorities to improve the nature of NAPLAN tests, which have been in the same form since 2008.
Over the next few years we will align NAPLAN to the Australian Curriculum and move the tests into an online environment. These online tests will be designed to draw from a greater range of possible questions, allowing not only for faster processing of results but also for tests that will be geared to each student’s level of achievement rather than be one size fits all.
And in the meantime, NAPLAN means more information about students and schools for parents, teachers and the community.

Robert Randall is Chief Executive of ACARA

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Australian Curriculum Mathematics - Year 7

Download free sample questions for the Australian Curriculum 

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Australian Curriculum Mathematics - Year 6

Download free sample questions for the Australian Curriculum 

Friday, June 7, 2013

Australian Curriculum Mathematics - Year 5

Download free sample questions for the Australian Curriculum 

Mathematics Year 5

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Australian Curriculum English - Year 9

Do you need assessment questions for the new Australian Curriculum?

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Australian Curriculum English - Year 8

Do you need assessment questions for the new Australian Curriculum?

Monday, June 3, 2013

Australian Curriculum English - Year 7

Do you need assessment questions for the new Australian Curriculum?

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Australian Curriculum English - Year 6

Do you need assessment questions for the new Australian Curriculum?

Friday, May 31, 2013

Australian Curriculum English - Year 5

Do you need assessment questions for the new Australian Curriculum?

Download free sample questions for the Australian Curriculum - English Year 5

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Australian Curriculum Tests

Attention: English, Mathematics, Science, History

Dear Teachers,

Do you need assessment questions for 2013?
  • English, Mathematics, Science, History
  • Years 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10A
  • Australian Curriculum and State Curricula
Free downloads of samples at

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

3 days to go.

The Kilbaha NAPLAN Trial Tests remain on special for a limited time at

Finishes Friday May 31, 2013

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Thanks to all

Thanks to the many schools who used the 2013 Kilbaha Multimedia Publishing NAPLAN Trial Tests. Feedback from teachers has been excellent.
No one has reported any errors in the tests and / or detailed answers.
Our thanks go to our very professional writers for a job well done.

The Kilbaha NAPLAN Trial Tests remain on special for a limited time at

Monday, May 27, 2013

Last chance!

2009 - 2013 Kilbaha NAPLAN Trial Tests.
Years 3, 5, 7, 9

Reduced from $20 to $5.00 for a limited time.
Don't miss out. Download now!
Online purchases only.
No school order numbers.
To pay by Mastercard or Visa, choose PayPal as your payment method.
Then choose "I do not have a PayPal account".
You will then be able to enter your credit card details.
You do not have to set up a PayPal account.
Download here

Sunday, May 26, 2013

One week to go!

2009 - 2013 Kilbaha NAPLAN Trial Tests.
Years 3, 5, 7, 9

Reduced from $20 to $5.00 for a limited time.
Don't miss out. Download now!
Online purchases only.
No school order numbers.
To pay by Mastercard or Visa, choose PayPal as your payment method.
Then choose "I do not have a PayPal account".
You will then be able to enter your credit card details.
You do not have to set up a PayPal account.
Download here

Friday, May 24, 2013

On special for a limited time.

2009 - 2013 NAPLAN Trial Tests.
Used by thousands of schools.
The original and the best
Years 3, 5, 7, 9
Reduced from $20 to $5.00 for a limited time.
Don't miss out. Download now!
Online purchases only.
No school order numbers.
To pay by Mastercard or Visa, choose PayPal as your payment method.
Then choose "I do not have a PayPal account".
You will then be able to enter your credit card details.
You do not have to set up a PayPal account.
Download here

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

2009 - 2013 Kilbaha NAPLAN Trial Tests

All 2009 - 2013 Kilbaha NAPLAN Trial Tests have been reduced from $20 to $5.00.
Limited time only.
Don't miss out. Download now!
Online purchases only.
No school order numbers.
To pay by Mastercard or Visa, choose PayPal as your payment method.
Then choose "I do not have a PayPal account".
You will then be able to enter your credit card details.
You do not have to set up a PayPal account.

Download here

Friday, May 17, 2013


  • Congratulations to all year 3, 5, 7, 9 students and their parents and teachers on the completion of NAPLAN 2013

  • All of the Kilbaha NAPLAN Trial Tests with detailed answers will remain on web special until the end of May, 2013.

  • $5 each online. This is a reduction from the normal price of $20 and represents excellent value. 

    Click here

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Senate inquiry into NAPLAN

Readers may be interested in the recently launched senate inquiry, with the following Terms of reference:

The effectiveness of the National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy

Terms of Reference

The effectiveness of the National Assessment Program รข€“ Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN), 
With specific reference to: 

a) whether the evidence suggests that NAPLAN is achieving its stated objectives; 
b) unintended consequences of NAPLAN's introduction; 
c) NAPLAN's impact on teaching and student learning practices; 
d) the impact on teaching and student learning practices of publishing NAPLAN test results on the MySchool website; 
e) potential improvements to the program, to improve student learning and assessment; 
f) international best practice for standardised testing, and international case studies about the introduction of standardised testing; and 
g) other relevant matters. 

Full details are at

It's a short enquiry, with submissions due by 7 June and a reporting date of 27 June. Submissions are invited, however (details online).

The future of NAPLAN

The future of NAPLAN as outlined recently by the federal Education Minister Peter Garrett.

More than one million school students will have their literacy and numeracy skills assessed when annual NAPLAN testing begins tomorrow.
Minister for School Education Peter Garrett said students in years 3, 5, 7 and 9 will sit tests in reading, writing numeracy and language conventions over the next three days.
“The 2013 data from every state and territory and every school system will help target more help to schools and students who need it, and provide a snapshot of how students are performing in the crucial skills of reading, writing and maths,” Mr Garrett said.
“This is the sixth year students will sit NAPLAN tests, making it the third time students in Years 7 and 9 will participate in the tests. This will help us identify improvements and trends over time.
“It’s also a good time to remind students, teachers and parents that while NAPLAN is important, it is also just a routine part of the school year. Students should not be placed under too much pressure and schools should treat NAPLAN as just one of the number of exams that students sit throughout their schooling.
“While NAPLAN is helping us ensure all schools get the resources they need, it is not a pass or fail test. Results have no bearing on end of year report cards for students.
“What NAPLAN does provide is an insight into the skills levels and further needs of students, which is of great value for both parents and teachers.”
Under the National Plan for School Improvement (NPSI), NAPLAN will be extended to include science literacy from 2016, Mr Garrett said.
“Sciences such as chemistry, biology and physics, and the critical thinking the study of science encourages, are increasingly becoming core skills that students will need to build careers in the high-tech future of the digital age,” he said.
“But we are seeing fewer students taking on more advanced science subjects at the senior secondary level.
"To help meet our goal of being in the top-performing education nations by 2025 in science, reading and maths, we need to able to track how our students are going in science as soon as we can.
"Having science included in the National Assessment Program would help us ensure that the national curriculum in sciences will continue to meet the needs of students into the future. I will continue to work with the states and territories on getting an annual science test included in the National Assessment Program.”
NAPLAN tests will also move online in 2016, allowing for a quicker turn-around in results and improving the tests’ diagnostic and adaptive capability. It will also limit the environmental impact of the tests.
Mr Garrett said NAPLAN results have helped governments deliver extra, targeted funding to schools and students who need more support, and have played an important part in developing a new and fairer school funding system under the NSPI.
“Before NAPLAN and My School we had no way of knowing how schools were performing in a national context. There was no single way of comparing school and student results and building a picture of what was working in our schools, as well as where we needed to focus more attention,” he said.
“Thanks to our reforms, we now have nationwide data which is helping us deliver fairer funding and to improve results.
“NAPLAN tests have helped us target billions of dollars in National Partnership programs to provide extra help to students and schools that were struggling with reading and maths, and the evidence tells us that these programs are making a real difference in our classrooms.
“NAPLAN results were also used by the Gonski review panel in its report, and in the design of the National Plan for School Improvement.
“Our plan will properly resource classrooms, teachers and students for generations to come and deliver better outcomes for all schools, all students and the country.”