Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Olympic workbooks and free eBook

For the attention of Mathematics and English Teachers and all parents
(1) Olympic mathematics workbooks
(2) Perfect for the London Olympics
(3) Primary and Secondary workbooks
(4) Buy online at
(5) These Olympic Maths workbooks are NOT free
(6) For free eBooks, see below.

To get your free eBook, do the following:
(1) Go to
(2) Select ONE eBook
(3) Click button: delivery method download
(4) Click on Add to Cart
(5) Go to your Shopping Cart
(6) Go to Checkout
(7) Create an account
(8) Complete the registration process
(9) Select the payment method: Bank Transfer
(10) Write "Please provide this item free"
(11) Click on Confirm Order.

You will receive an email within 24 hours allowing you to download the eBook.